
"I study in Russia"

Foreign students of FESTFU took part in the VI International Interuniversity Online Festival “I Study in Russia”. 

The festival was held in a distance format in order to expand cultural interuniversity international relations, as well as preserve and develop the multinational culture of foreign countries and Russia. 

“Students of our University took part in several competitions: choreographic, literary and photo competition. 1st year student Guo Shiyu took 1st place in the photography competition, in the Landscape nomination, and there was no match for Jiang Jiabao in the Travel Photo nomination. Zhang Yiwen took the second prize in the choreographic competition. Separately, the jury noted Sun Boven for the expressive reading of Alexander Pushkin's poem "If life deceives you." This year the geography of the participation has significantly expanded. However, despite the strong competition, our students have showed excellent results. We are proud of our students and look forward to their early return to Vladivostok! ”, - said Sofia Pavliga, Deputy Director of the International Institute for Scientific and Educational Work.

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