
Dalrybvtuz hosted a meeting of the “Dialogues” International Business Club

“Training of qualified engineering personnel and infrastructure development as a driving force of the Pacific Russia development” was the theme of the 162nd meeting of the International Business Club “Dialogues”, jointly hold with the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University.

The Rector of FSFEI HE "Dalrybvtuz" Oleg SHCHEKA made a welcoming speech and an introductory report. He drew the attention of the club members to the high need of the marine and fishery industries of the Far East for social and economic support from the state: “When we say Pacific Russia, we primarily mean the sea, ports, sailors and fishermen. These are people and the environment in which they live and work. Today, the state is attracting colossal investments in the development of the Far East, and projects for the development of the marine and fishery infrastructure, its social arrangement, and the training of qualified engineering personnel should be among the priorities. In our opinion, these investments are significantly more profitable and can positively influence the solution of the most acute geopolitical tasks of the Far East, first of all, preserve and increase its intellectual human capital, reverse the negative dynamics of the outflow of young specialists from the region. "

In his report, Evgeniy NOVOSELTSEV, Advisor to JSC “Far Eastern Marine Research, Design and Technology Institute, focused on the state of the industry, the importance of ports for the region. “In the Russian Far East, the most developed territories and regions were associated with the sea and had the opportunity to carry out marine economic activities. First of all, these are carriage of goods by sea, fishing and fish processing, shipbuilding and ship repair”.

Inessa BABICH, President of the Association for Interaction and Enterprise Development “International Business Club“Dialogues”: “For 15 years, every month, we have been holding meetings to form a positive image and develop the economy of the Far East.  There were considered the following issues: port infrastructure, aquaculture, shipbuilding industry, construction industry, tourism infrastructure development, food industry, timber industry and many others. All industries are united by one strategic task - personnel training. If the issue of labor is solved at the expense of the labor resources of the CIS countries, then the issue of training qualified personnel, first of all, engineering specialties and infrastructure development to increase the attractiveness of the region remains open".

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