
Video studio facilities for recording online courses were presented at FESTFU

On March 10, an open master-class on creating video lectures and thematic videos for recording online courses was held at the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. The event took place at the Industry Competence Center of Fisheries Organizations, specially created at the end of last year, the structural element of which is a video studio.

The technical capabilities of the equipment for recording instructional and training videos were presented to the staff and university’s lecturers. Special attention was paid to the virtual board, which makes it possible to visualize any information, including drawings and formulas in an online format. 

 “The main goal of the master-class is familiarization with the technical base of the video studio, tools for creating online courses, lectures, webinars. The scope and possibilities of the studio are very wide. It allows the user, manipulating "on the fly" various sources and information, to create almost ready-made video content in real time, broadcast it in the format of online broadcasts on the Internet or in the format of recording a video course. The system offers the most intuitive interface. All control is based on pre-selected presets (scenarios) for working with information. We expect that acquaintance with the video studio in the format of a master-class will attract the attention of the lecturers and university’s partners for the implementation of interesting interactive online projects using the resources of the university's multimedia platform”, - noted Pavel Pastukhov, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Informatization of FESTFU.

He also emphasized that the online education market in Russia, according to experts, will exceed 50 billion rubles this year, while the growth rate of online higher education programs over the past 5 years has already surpassed a twofold figure. “We see great potential in the development of distance and online education technologies in FESTFU and, in general, in the fishery industry due to the professional specifics of marine and fishery professions: many students are forced to combine study and work in areas remote from the university”, -  the Vice-Rector summed up.

The past event proved the great interest of university’s lecturers in creating video lectures, therefore such classes will be held at the university on a regular basis.

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