
FESTFU's partner launches an educational program for Chinese learners

The development of new technologies helps to popularize distance education. We are no longer limited to time or distance - the World Wide Web offers unlimited opportunities for learning. 

Therefore, the teachers of the Shanghai Ocean University will conduct an online course for students of FESTFU’s International Institute from 22 February to 5 March.

The International Online Chinese Language Experience Program includes reading, listening and writing. Students will also master spoken language, begin to communicate on everyday topics and get acquainted with calligraphy. In a relaxed learning environment, immersed in the culture and traditions of China, the course participants will master the basic knowledge of hieroglyphics and the necessary knowledge for speaking Chinese. 

The Chinese language is considered one of the most difficult to learn. However, the interest in studying this language and the culture of China is growing year by year. 

It should be reminded, that distance learning in Dalrybuz is carried out with the use of educational technologies provided for by the electronic information-educational environment of FESTFU (http:/, external information-communication and support resources, as well as online resources for providing distance learning recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.


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