
Healthy lifestyle is one of the ways to successful study and life

A healthy lifestyle is aimed at strengthening the body, maintaining health and preventing disease. It helps maintain well-being and improve mood. It is necessary to work out and play sports as often as possible, eat healthy food and keep regular hours.

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for students, because they spend a lot of time in classrooms. In the process of studying, there is not always time to eat or there is an alternative option - fast food.

All conditions for students are created in FESTFU. The university has a canteen that offers a wide range of tasty and healthy food. After classes, students can attend sports classes - play volleyball, basketball, boxing, as well as improve their health in the gym, which is very popular among not only students and cadets, but among university employees as well.

Professional coaches and teachers work with the students; they support them during training, draw up a plan and guide them on the path to new achievements.

I came to sports at the age of six by my own choice. I had a busy life; I was born on Sakhalin Island in a small town that is why I was fond of absolutely everything. First, I went to break dance, then to athletics. In general, athletics is the basis that develops a sense of pace, coordination. At the age of ten, I started playing volleyball and had been playing for seven years, including my student years. When I graduated from FESTFU, I became an ecologist by my first higher education degree, but I realized that it is not really my thing and I got the second degree. I have a family of athletes and we all are connected by sports. We watch competitions and we cheer for our favorite teams. Students are my motivation, because I have to be an example for them. The gym is like a second home for me, I keep it clean and I taught this to students, new ones come and quickly get involved. Now fewer students attend the gym, but soon everyone will return from vacation and practice. I believe that the students should not sit still; I had time to study and go to trainings, and played various team games with friends. I had been playing football and basketball for several years, I devoted more of my time to volleyball,”- Physical Education Instructor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Kirill Belchenko.

A healthy lifestyle is very important at any age. Exercise is good for the body - it stabilizes blood circulation, strengthens muscles, improves sleep, relieves chronic fatigue, and improves mood. Proper nutrition helps to increase immunity, mood, as well as stabilize sleep, and the correct daily routine is the basis for a stable body. A healthy lifestyle is one of the ways to a successful study and life.

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