
FESTFU students from Egypt experienced their first winter in Russia

This year began for the International Institute with a truly rich international guests.

So, at once 4 students from Egypt came to us for training. Also these days, the institute expects the arrival of a student from the United Arab Emirates. The guys are future doctors, in our university they undergo language training. For the guys from Egypt in Russia, everything is a wonder: take only the usual winter weather for us. The climate in Egypt is tropical, and in winter the thermometer barely drops to +20 degrees. The students were accustomed to evergreens and were surprised to see trees without leaves.

Therefore, as soon as they stepped onto the seaside land, they realized that they couldn't do without warm clothes: “The climate in Russia is frosty and harsh, but people are very kind,” said Mohamed Elsayed, a student of the International Institute, sharing his first impressions.

The snowfall that fell on our city was a real surprise for the guys. Students from warm and sunny Egypt have never seen snow, and when they saw it, they could not believe their own eyes and sensations. Grown guys frolicked like children, grabbed the snow with their bare hands, and did not understand why it was so cold.

It is gratifying that, traveling and studying in Russia, children from other countries receive not only the necessary professional knowledge, but also broaden their horizons even with such seemingly common things for us. The International Institute wishes Egyptian students success in their studies, good luck, good health and new discoveries.

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