
Members of the Consortium of the Fisheries Management Organizations met in regular session

A regular meeting of the Council of the Pacific Consortium of Fisheries Organizations was held on December 3 in a remote format. 

The participants of the meeting discussed issues related to the results of organizing and holding the regional championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia), as well as the inclusion of new participants in the Consortium. 

Report on the regional championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) on the professional competencies of the fishery industry: "Cultivation of fish seed and marketable fish"; "Processing of aquatic biological resources"; “Coastal Fishing” was presented to the members of the Consortium by FESTFU’s President Oleg Shcheka. He noted that the fishing industry for the first time joined the world movement WorldSkills, which is an important step towards the system of personnel training in accordance with world standards and the needs of new high-tech industries. 

The unanimous decision of the Consortium participants was the inclusion of new members in the association: the fishing company “YAMSy” JSC and the fishing company of the Russian Federation “Okeanrybflot” LLC. 

“The expansion of the Pacific Consortium of Fisheries Organizations demonstrates the growing interest among fisheries organizations in the established collegiate institute, the geography of whose members has already gone beyond the Primorsky Territory. Our consortium includes the resources of the largest fishery enterprises, which will provide a new impetus in training and retraining of personnel, conducting joint and applied scientific research, introducing advanced technologies into production, as well as increasing the contribution of the fishery industry to the economy of the Far East and the development of the Pacific region of Russia ", - commented Oleg Shcheka. 

It is also worth noting that Consortium of Fisheries Organizations was created to consolidate efforts and deepen cooperation in the field of fisheries in the Pacific Region.

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