
Marine practice on board Sail Training Ship “Pallada”: cadet Arthur Nwabufo shares his experience

STS “Pallada” has deserved the name of FESTFU’s pride. Students and cadets of the Maritime Institute and other maritime educational institutions of the Russian Far East have sailing practice on board “Pallada”. Thus, they become familiar with the base of professional skills and marine fraternity.

Vessel was built in 1989 at the shipyard of Gdansk (Poland) by order of Ministry of Fisheries. Glorious history of the sailing-vessel goes back to the 4th of July 1989, when the state flag of Russian Federation was raised on her board. “Pallada” has passed more 1000 000 miles. Vessel has visited 150 ports in 60 countries. More than 14 000 cadets and students of maritime and fisheries universities not only from the Russian Far East had training course on her board. Moscow, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Volgograd – that’s geography of educational institutions of central and eastern parts of our country which took part in STS Pallada’s voyages. Furthermore, foreign cadets and students also have an experience of sailing on the Vessel. Among them: Chinese, Mexicans, Arabians, Hollanders, Singaporeans, Vietnamese and others. Geography of its calls at ports is enormous: Japan, China, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and many other countries.

This three-mast sailing-ship was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most swift-sailing vessel in the world, which exceeds a speed of 18 knots.

Thousands of foreigners visit frigate. STS “Pallada” has won a worldwide fame also by taking part in international regattas and sailing festivals where she always takes prizes.

On 4 July 2020, famous Russian sailing ship celebrated her 31st anniversary. These 31 years have definitely proved that STS “Pallada” successfully copes with her main task – students and cadets training of seafarers’ profession.

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