
Sail Training Ship “Pallada” celebrates her thirty-year anniversary

Sail Training Ship “Pallada” widely regarded as the pride of not only Vladivostok, but the whole Russia, celebrates her thirty-year anniversary!

There are five similar frigates in Russia; two of them are in Vladivostok. The ship was launched in 1989 in Gdansk (Poland), and the history of the vessel began on July 4 of the same year, when the flag of Russia was hoisted on her board, since then the “Pallada” plowed the seas and oceans, causing delight and admiration in each port. In 1997 sail ship “Pallada” was handed over to the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University.

This year ship’s crew celebrates the anniversary in the Sea of ​​Japan. Within these 30 years “Pallada” visited more than one hundred ports of the world, crossed the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The snow-white sails of the sail ship were seen by residents of Korea, Australia, Poland, Ukraine, Vietnam, Singapore and many other countries. Presidents, diplomats, deputies, famous actors and filmmakers went on her board.

More than 15 thousand cadets, trainees and students of marine and fishery educational institutions of Russia have been practicing on the training ship within these 30 years. The “Pallada” is a unique simulator for future navigators. Cadets climb the masts, overcoming the fear of heights, learn to deal with the sails rigging, and participate in “all hands on deck” activities. This practice fosters a quick reaction, the ability to make the right decisions and take responsibility for your choice.

The permanent crew number of the vessel is 51 people; most of them have been working onboard the vessel for more than 10 years.

“I’m very enthusiastic about the work onboard “Pallada”: I meet young people at the landing stairs and supervise the whole practice. All practice from getting up until lights out I spend with the cadets. Every day I come on board, even on weekends - there are always things to do; it is always nice to come back. Sailing ship is a very special type of ships - you feel the sea, the wind, you get more emotions. And it is better for cadets to practice on a sailing ship: they learn to feel the weather, the wind, and discipline”, - says Vladimir Ramensky, the senior captain’s assistant for educational work.

There is a museum on board “Pallada” where a large number of memorial things about ports of visit, sailing festivals and regattas as well as souvenirs are kept. But museum doesn’t have enough space for them all, so the walls of the vessel are also covered with different memorial signs.

In 1989 sail ship “Pallada” followed the route of the famous frigate “Pallada” in her passage from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean, and the ship made her first round the world voyage in 1992, which lasted 189 days. As part of the Around the World, the vessel participated in the Grand Regatta 92, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. From November 2, 2007 to August 11, 2008 “Pallada” made her second round-the-world voyage dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the circumnavigation of Russian ships under the command of F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev and the 50th anniversary of Russian research initiation in Antarctica.

This year sail ship “Pallada” will participate in the round-the-world expedition of the training sailing vessels of the Federal Agency for Fishery, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica by the expedition under the command of F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev.

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